Contact — Leonard J. DeLorenzo

Contact Me

I’m looking forward to connecting with you

What’s this newsletter all about?

My weekly newsletter is called “Life, Sweetness, Hope.” By subscribing, you will receive:

1) Something from the Christian tradition that enriches or challenges your LIFE,

2) Something SWEET that motivates or intrigues you, and

3) Something that provides an image or story of HOPE.

Check out previous issues of Life, Sweetness, Hope

By the way: when I say that something is “sweet,” I don’t at all mean that it is sappy. To “persuade” someone is to entice through a kind of sweetness. I look for and share things that will entice us, even if our first response is to be unsettled or disturbed my something. Basically, the “sweet” thing will disrupt complacency and stir up in us a desire for something more or something different.

Okay, I feel better. I didn’t want you to think that I would sharing kitten memes.